FERPA是家庭教育权利和隐私法案(FERPA),它是一部保护学生教育记录隐私的联邦法律.  这项法律适用于所有接受美国联邦教育资助计划资助的学校.S. Department of Education.  FERPA的目的之一是通过限制个人学生教育记录中包含的信息的披露来保护个人学生信息的隐私.  FERPA为学生提供了有关其教育记录的某些权利.  这意味着访问您的信息仅限于您自己和授权的个人. 

What Does FERPA Gives Students Rights To?

  • The right to inspect and review their educational records.
  • 有权要求修改其教育记录,以确保其不准确、不具有误导性或以其他方式侵犯其隐私或其他权利.
  • 有权同意披露其教育记录中包含的个人身份信息, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent.  FERPA允许未经“学校官员”同意就“合法的教育利益”进行披露.”  “School officials” include university employees (including law enforcement unit and health personnel); agents of the University (such as an attorney or collection agent); or individuals, 包括学生, 在官方委员会任职或协助学校官员执行其任务.  如果学校官员需要审查教育记录以履行其职业责任,则学校官员具有“合法的教育利益”.  要求, 大学未经学生申请入学的另一所学校的官员同意而披露其教育记录.  California State University, Fullerton has designated as “Directory” information a student’s name, date and place of birth, permanent and local address, university-recognized e-mail address(es), 照片, 电话号码, 类级别, 注册状态, 主要, 小, dates of attendance, degrees and awards received, previous educational institutions attended, past and present participation in recognized activities, and weight and height if an athletic team member.  Unless restricted by the student, 校园可以在任何时候向任何请求方发布目录信息, 包括军队和大学附属营销项目的发展.  学生可以选择以下四种方式之一来限制他们的目录信息的发布:
      1. Permit release of all Directory information for any purpose.  No further action by the student is required.
      2. Permit release of only “Verification” information.  This sub-category of Directory information consists of a student’s name, 类级别, 注册状态, 主要, 小, degrees and awards received, dates of attendance, and university-recognized e-mail address(es). The University will release this information for classroom use; in response to requests, including those from financial lenders, employers or insurance companies for verification of degree and enrollment information; and for inclusion in Commencement and honors materials.  仅发布“验证”信息的学生将被排除在所有大学目录之外.
      3. Permit release of only “Class” information.  This sub-category of Directory information consists of a student’s name, 主要, 小, degree and awards received, and university-recognized e-mail address(es).  学校将发布这些信息以供课堂使用,并将其包含在毕业典礼和荣誉材料中.  仅发布“班级”信息的学生将被排除在所有大学目录之外, and the University will not respond to requests, including those from financial lenders, employers or insurance companies, for verification of degree, dates of attendance or 注册状态.
      4. Withhold the release of all Directory information.  拒绝发布所有目录信息意味着该学生将被排除在所有大学目录和出版物之外, including Commencement and honors materials, and the University will not verify degree, 未经学生事先书面同意的出勤日期或入学状况.
      • Students may select at any time, 通过登录学生门户网站或访问位于朗斯多夫大厅一楼114室的招生和记录服务中心来发布级别.  Unless a student designates otherwise, 大学将假定学生已经选择允许出于任何目的访问他们的目录信息.
  • The right to file with the U.S. 教育部对加州州立大学所谓的失败提出投诉, Fullerton to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The Office that administers FERPA is: Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20202-4605.
  • 有权获得一份加州州立大学富勒顿学生档案政策的副本. 本政策的副本可从学生事务副校长办公室获得, 朗斯多夫大厅805.

How Does FERPA Impact Financial Aid?

FERPA禁止经济援助办公室向除你以外的任何人分享你的申请信息. 即使你被认为是独立的,并从你的父母那里获得信息, we can not share this with them without prior consent from you.


  • 如需代表您向他人提供授权,请访问您的学生中心.
  • 在屏幕的左下角,你会看到一个“个人信息”区域. Select "Authorize to Release".
  • 一旦您选择“授权发放”,您将被引导到电子表格. Please be sure to read the instructions. 在底部, 您将能够添加您授权访问您的信息的人员的信息.
  • 确保与您授予其访问权限的个人共享授权代码.
  • 最后, 请确保勾选“财务援助”,以便授权其他人代表您与财务援助部门交谈. 以下是“授权发布”链接和授权发布电子表格的位置示例. 

Location of "Authorization to Release" link on the student center

Example of Auhtorization to Release Electronic Form


CSUF各部门都有自己的FERPA授权表格,其中包括SBS和财务援助.  学生必须与SBS和财政援助签署单独的FERPA授权表格, and other departments on campus that they want to give others authorization.